


iron, blood donors, iron supplementation, anaemia, iron-rich diet, ferritin, haemoglobin, iron absorption


Purpose: This review focuses on the importance of iron in the diet of blood donors, discussing the role of iron in the body, the impact of blood donation on iron levels, and recommendations for supplementation and diet to prevent deficiency. In the context of the increasing number of blood donors and their impact on health, this research is crucial to the development of effective nutritional strategies.

Materials and methods. PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar databases were searched. Keyword combinations were used, including “iron supplementation”, “blood donors”, “iron deficiency”, “dietary iron”, “anaemia prevention” and “ferritin levels”. Literature published between 1970 and 2024 was searched. Studies published in peer-reviewed journals were included. All identified articles were initially assessed using titles and abstracts. Data from selected studies were extracted, including information on population characteristics, interventions, methods of assessing iron levels, outcomes and reported adverse effects. Key findings on the efficacy of iron supplementation, the effect of diet, and iron monitoring were discussed in the context of their relevance to blood donors.

Scientific novelty. This article presents a comprehensive approach to the role of iron in the diet of blood donors, combining the latest research with practical recommendations for diet and supplementation. It covers both biological and practical aspects, which is a novel approach to the subject. The article combines knowledge from different fields such as haematology, dietetics, biochemistry and preventive medicine to provide a comprehensive analysis of the issue. The integration of these disciplines leads to a better understanding of the impact of iron on the health of blood donors. The review is based on the most recent clinical trials and meta-analyses, ensuring that the data presented is current and reliable. Analysis of the most recent trials allows for more accurate and up-to-date recommendations regarding iron supplementation. The article introduces the concept of personalising dietary recommendations for blood donors, taking into account individual needs and metabolic differences. A personalised approach to diet and iron supplementation may increase the effectiveness of iron deficiency prevention. The article suggests new prevention strategies, such as blood donor support programmes that include regular monitoring of iron levels, education about diet and supplementation, and tailored dietary interventions. The review emphasises the need for long-term monitoring of the effects of iron supplementation, which is often lacking in short-term studies. A long-term approach makes it possible to assess the durability of the effects of supplementation and its impact on the health of blood donors.

Conclusions. Iron plays a fundamental role in maintaining the health of blood donors. It is essential for the production of haemoglobin, oxygen transport and many other metabolic functions. Regular blood donation causes significant iron loss, which can lead to iron deficiency and anaemia if not adequately replaced. To compensate for iron loss, blood donors should pay particular attention to their diet. Foods rich in haem iron, such as meat and fish, and non-haem iron, such as legumes and green leafy vegetables, should form the basis of their diet. In addition, taking vitamin C with meals can increase the absorption of non-haem iron. Regular iron supplementation is an effective way to prevent iron deficiency in blood donors. Clinical studies show that iron supplementation improves haemoglobin and ferritin levels and reduces the risk of anaemia. Supplementation should be individualised and donors should have their iron levels monitored regularly. Educating blood donors about the importance of iron and proper diet is essential. Support programmes that include regular monitoring of iron levels, provision of supplements and tailored dietary recommendations can significantly improve the health of donors and their ability to continue donating. Further research is needed to better determine optimal iron supplementation strategies and their long-term effects on donor health. Research should also focus on individual differences in iron metabolism and the development of personalised dietary recommendations.


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How to Cite

Gradziuk, M., Tkaczenko, H. ., & Kurhaluk, N. . (2024). THE IMPORTANCE OF IRON IN THE DIET OF BLOOD DONORS AND ITS COMPONENTS. Biota. Human. Technology, (3), 85–126.




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