About the Journal

The natural environment is created and maintained by living organisms, the totality of which is biota. The study of the diversity of living, which began since the day of Hippocrates, Aristotle, and Theophrastus, has not lost its relevance in the modern scientific world. In the 21st century, the search for scientists in quite diverse – from inventory species diversity of ecosystems to the study of adaptation mechanisms of organisms and biota metagenomic studies. The biota, for which there are no administrative boundaries, compensates for any environmental disturbances that do not exceed the threshold of destruction of the biota itself. This implies the need for international cooperation in various fields of living research.

International scientific journal Biota. Human. Technology brings together scientists who study various aspects of the biotic potential of the environment and its conservation. The editorial board of the journal includes scientists from different countries who carry out scientific research in various fields of Biology, Ecology, Health, Food and Chemical Technologies.

From our potential authors we expect both experimental and review articles on issues of biodiversity of flora, fauna and microbiota, functioning of biological and ecological systems, including under the influence of stress factors, as well as articles on issues of technologies in the fields of healthy nutrition and chemistry. The BHT Journal pages always have a place to cover the results of scientific discussions which were made by researchers from all the world.