alluvial sands, classification, psammophytic vegetation, Chernihiv Polesie, Petasites spurius (Retz.) Reichenb.Abstract
The aims of the study. Determination the Petasites spurius (Retz.) Reichenb communities position in the Chernihiv Polesie sand vegetation scheme and specifying the characteristics of the Petasitetum spurii Steffen 1931 var. hoc loco association.
Methodology. Plot descriptions on alluvial sands were carried out during field research in 2019–2021 with the use of geobotanical methods. Vegetation relevés were made during the growing season on areas of 4–16 m2. Projective coverage of plant community layers and of each species was determined. To process the geobotanical descriptions, we used cluster analysis in the program R-4.2.3 with the package «twinspanR» with the use of the modified TWINSPAN algorithm. The species fidelity coefficient (phi) with a threshold value of more than 25 % was used to identify diagnostic species.
For the identification of syntaxonomic units, we used vegetation prodromes of Ukraine, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Italy, materials on syntaxonomy, plant community identifier. Scientific papers on alluvial psammophytic vegetation were analyzed. Names of higher syntaxa are given according to the floristic classification schemes of vegetation for Europe and Ukraine. Taxon names are given according to Euro+Med PlantBase (2023).
Scientific novelty. A new association of ruderal psammophytic vegetation Petasitetum spurii Steffen 1931 var. hoc loco was identified for the first time in Chernihiv Polesie.
Conclusions. During investigation of the psammophytic vegetation of Chernihiv Polesie (Ukraine) and data processing, a separate cluster of releves was identified. It was characterized by participation of Petasites spurius (Retz.) Reichenb. These releves were made along the alluvial river banks of the study area. The typical species of the Artemisietea vulgaris Lohmeyer et al. in Tx. ex von Rochow 1951 class were present, therefore, they are assigned to the Convolvulo arvensis-Agropyrion repentis Görs 1967 union of the Agropyretalia intermedio-repentis T. Müller et Görs 1969 order of this class.
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