beekeeping, ecological consequences, ecological factors, Polesia, Ukraine, warAbstract
Purpose of the work. To establish the ecological aspects of the negative impact of military actions on the current state and further development of beekeeping in the Chernihiv region Polesia part (Ukraine).
Methodology. The data of available sources reflecting the state of beekeeping in Ukraine were used. A sociological survey of 62 beekeepers was conducted. Observations of the behavior of bees in two apiaries, as well as photography, video recording, audio recording before, during and after military operations were carried out. The laboratory analyzes data of the sanitary and hygienic laboratory on soil contamination with oil products and heavy metals in the places of hostilities were used. The linear regression equations of the dependence of the heavy metal content in copper on the heavy metal content in the soil were used to calculate the predicted heavy metal content in copper at the soil sampling points.
Scientific novelty. The factors that caused the military actions of 2022 and had a destructive effect on the state and development of beekeeping in the Chernihiv region Polesia part were determined and classified. The consequences of military actions that reduced the positive ecological effects of beekeeping in the region, in particular: changes in the behavioral reactions of bees, a decrease in the number of bee colonies, a decrease in volumes and a threat to the quality of beekeeping products (primarily honey) were established.
Conclusions. The military actions that took place and are taking place in the territory of the Chernihiv region Polesia part caused the appearance of a number of factors primarily ecological that had a destructive effect on the state and development of beekeeping, primarily factors of direct action (mechanical destruction of apiaries, noise and seismic pollution of beekeeping places and honey collection areas) and factors indirect influence – social, technogenic and chemical.
Active military operations in the Chernihiv region Polesia part caused a shift in the timing of seasonal phenomena in bees (primarily the spring cleaning flight), and the noise effect during the explosions almost doubled the level of aggression of bee colonies.
The consequence of military operations in the Chernihiv region Polesia part is a decrease in the number of bee colonies in the region, primarily in the border areas. This can lead to a decrease in the biological productivity of the region’s ecosystems, which is realized through the reproduction of species populations of honey bees and bee-pollinated plants.
There is a threat to the ecological safety of beekeeping products in places where hostilities are being conducted due to soil contamination with oil products and heavy metals. Based on the prediction of the content of heavy metals (Zn, Pb, Cu) in honey based on the content of heavy metals in the soil in the places of active hostilities, it was proved that such areas are not suitable for collecting ecologically safe honey.
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