adenylates, energy metabolism, carp, mycotoxin T2Abstract
The purpose of the work. Study of the effect of mycotoxin T2 on the content of adenylates in the tissues of white muscles, liver and brain of carp.
Methodology. Determination of the content of ATP, ADP and AMP in the tissues of the relevant organs of fish was carried out by the method of ascending one-dimensional thin-layer chromatography on silica gel plates “Sorbfil” using the solvent system: 1,4-dioxane, isopropanol, ammonia, water in the ratio (4:2:1:4 ). In addition, for a more complete assessment of the state of the adenylate system of different carp tissues under pesticide load, the following characteristics of the energy state of the cell were calculated: adenylate energy charge (AEC) and the ratio of the active masses of the adenylate kinase reaction (AAR). The percentage ratio of adenyl nucleotides in fish tissues was also calculated. The amount of inorganic phosphorus was determined by the Fiske-Subarow method.
Scientific novelty. The study reveals specific changes in the content of adenylates under the influence of mycotoxin T2 in carp tissues, which allows a deeper understanding of the tissue specificity of energy metabolism in fish. It was established that the studied mycotoxin significantly reduces the concentration of ATP, ADP and AMP in white muscles. These results contribute to further understanding of the environmental impact of pesticides on aquatic organisms and their energy regulation.
Conclusions. The effect of mycotoxin T2 on the adenylate profile of carp tissues indicates its tissue specificity. Its use in feed leads to a significant decrease in the concentrations of macroergic compounds, especially in white muscles, which negatively affects the energy balance of cells. Under the mycotoxin introduced directly into the water of the aquariums, the stability of the level of ATP is observed in the liver and brain, which indicates the activation of energy metabolism. The obtained results confirm the need to control the content of mycotoxins in fish feed in agriculture in order to preserve the ecological balance of aquatic ecosystems.
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