Drosophila, induced mutations, mutational effect, nanoparticlesAbstract
In recent years, interest in the role of nanoparticles has increased significantly, in particular, their ability to influence mutagenesis is being studied. Studying the effect of nanoparticles on the functioning of eukaryotes using the example of a test object Drosophila melanogaster Meigen is used to assess the possible ecological consequences of their practical use.
The purpose: to investigate the effect of nanoparticles of Titanium, Nickel and Silicon on the features of development and mutagenesis in D. melanogaster. The object of the study: peculiarities of the development of flies of the species D. melanogaster line Canton S. The subject of the study: the effect of nanoparticles of Titanium, Nickel and Silicon on the development of flies of the species D. melanogaster line Canton S.
Methodology. To assess the genetic variability of experimental populations of drosophila, standard methods of accounting for the dynamics of adaptation were used based on numbers and sex ratios; fertility; statistical methods of information processing.
The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time the effect of Titanium, Nickel and Silicon nanoparticles on the occurrence of mutations in D. melanogaster and general biological indicators of animals.
Conclusions. The main requirements for nanoparticles in relation to their use in industry and provenance are: low or no toxicity, high biocompatibility, the ability to biodegrade or be removed from the body naturally. With the presence of nanoparticles in the nutrient medium, mutations were observed in flies: reduced wings and a discolored body and additional antennae and an elongated proboscis. In the second generation, the percentage of mutant individuals becomes smaller compared to the first generation. This is explained by the induction of repair systems in individuals that were developing in the presence of the investigated substances. In all recorded cases of mutagenesis, the number of females is statistically significantly greater than the number of males. When studying the mutational effect of nanoparticles in the offspring of both generations (F1 and F2), differences in the number of mutant individuals in males and females under the influence of the same substances are unlikely. Titanium nanoparticles have a more pronounced mutagenic effect. Taking into account the percentage value of mutations, we can conclude that there is a positive correlation between the concentration of the studied substances and the quantitative indicators of mutations.
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