scaly carp, morphological indicators, mycotoxin T2Abstract
Mycotoxins, toxic substances produced by fungi, are one of the most common contaminants of feed and food products in Ukraine. Favorable climatic conditions and anthropogenic influence contribute to their active development and spread. Contamination with mycotoxins can lead to significant economic losses in the agro-industrial complex and negatively affect the health of animals and people. A complete list and detailed description of poisoning symptoms can be used as indicators to identify poisons as well as non-infectious fish diseases.
The purpose of the work: to investigate the effect of mycotoxin T2 on the morphological parameters of the carp organism. The object of the study: peculiarities of changes in the morphological indicators of fish under the influence of mycotoxin T2. The subject of the study: the effect of mycotoxin T2 on external indicators of organs and tissues of carp.
Methodology. The object of the study were two-year-old carp: scaly and mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) weighing 200-300 g. Experiments to study the effect of mycotoxin were carried out in 200-liter aquariums with settled tap water, in which fish were placed at the rate of 1 specimen per 40 dm3 of water. In all cases, control was carried out and a constant hydrochemical regime of water was maintained. The concentration of mycotoxin corresponding to 2 MPC was achieved by adding calculated amounts of the mycotoxin solution. The zoological (L) and industrial (l) lengths of fish were determined, Fulton's fattening factor (Q). All results were processed statistically.
The scientific novelty of the work is that the complex effect of mycotoxin T2 and the morphological indicators of mirror carp and scaly carp were studied for the first time.
Conclusions. As a result of the study, a negative effect of mycotoxin T-2 on the morphological parameters of the carp organism was established. Under the influence of T-2 toxin, significant changes in the structure of gills, skin, fins and internal organs were observed in fish. Discoloration of the ends of the petals, the appearance of light spots and numerous hemorrhages were found in the gills, which indicates a violation of oxygen exchange. On the skin of the fish, the formation of whitish mucus was recorded, as well as separate ulcers, which are a sign of dermonecrotic processes. It was also established that mycotoxin T-2 causes disorders of a hemorrhagic nature, manifested in numerous hemorrhages in muscle tissues and organs of the digestive system. A comparative analysis of the effects of the toxin on scaly and mirror carp showed that scaly carp had higher endurance, which may be due to its better growth rates and resistance to adverse conditions. Thus, mycotoxin T-2 poses a significant threat to fish health and can negatively affect aquaculture performance. This study highlights the need to control feed quality and mycotoxin content to prevent intoxication in fish farming.
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