


fruit supplements, herbal supplements, Lepidium sativum, phytotesting, tea


Tea can contain biologically active compounds which phytotoxicity deserves attention.

The aim of the work was to study the phytotoxicity of black tea with herbal and fruit additives according to the phytotest with Lepidium sativum L.

Methodology. Phytotoxicity was evaluated in a growth test with the test plant L. sativum, the seeds of which were germinated on filter paper with the tested tea solutions. We studied 6 types of packaged black Ceylon tea without additives (control) and with various herbal and/or fruit additives and natural flavorings, freely available in the retail network of Ukraine. The test indicators were the germination energy of L. sativum seeds (3rd day of the study), seed germination (5th day of the study), the length of the roots and the aerial part of the seedlings (the 5th day of the study). Phytotoxic indexes were calculated - seed germination index and root length index. The results were processed statistically.

Scientific novelty. The phytotoxicity of black tea with herbal and fruit supplements was investigated using a growth test with L. sativum. The absence of phytotoxicity of the investigated tea variants was shown by the root length index of L. sativum seedlings.

Conclusions. The study of phytotoxicity of black tea with herbal and fruit supplements according to the growth test with L. sativum showed moderate toxicity based on the plant seed germination index in case of the mixture of black and green teas with supplements of apple, cornflowers, pot marigold, safflower, rose and natural flavoring “Grapes”. However, according to the root length index of the seedlings, this tea did not show phytotoxicity, as did other tested variants of black tea with herbal and fruit additives. Further detailed phytotoxicity studies of all constituent teas with herbal and fruit supplements are needed. The risks of cornflower and safflower consumption by women should be indicated on the packaging of products that contain them.


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Ткачук Н., Зелена Л. Токсичність деяких побутових засобів за фітотестуванням з Lepidium sativum L. Biota, Human, Technology, 2023. №2. С. 99-107. DOI:




