


psoriasis, opinion, respondents, women, men


Purpose: The study aimed to assess the knowledge of women and men of different ages about psoriasis, its symptoms and factors that trigger psoriasis symptoms.

Methodology. The study involved 100 respondents whose knowledge of psoriasis, its symptoms and factors that trigger psoriasis symptoms was assessed. The respondents included 28 men (28%) and 72 women (72%) aged between 17 and 65 years. The tool used in the study was a survey, which allowed data to be collected from respondents about their knowledge of psoriasis. The research tool used to conduct the study was an anonymous questionnaire. The study involved answering the survey questions independently, without the involvement of the researcher. There were 10 different types of questions in the survey. These included both personal details and questions about the respondents' subjective experiences.

Scientific novelty. When asked if they had ever heard of the condition, 91 respondents said they had. For both women and men in all age groups, the percentage of respondents who had heard of psoriasis was around 90%. Respondents under 30 knew the correct answer to the question about the age at which symptoms first appear (70-80%). The question about the contagiousness of the disease also gave satisfactory results: the majority of respondents (up to 89.5%) answered that psoriasis is not contagious. The question "What disease is psoriasis?", which asked about the aetiology of the disease (chronic, autoimmune and genetic), again showed that, with the exception of respondents aged 31 to 40 who gave only one correct answer, the rest of the respondents (26.1-57.9%) chose the correct answer. Unfortunately, knowledge of the symptoms of psoriasis is very low, with only 27.5% of all respondents marking the symptoms of psoriasis. The majority (45.1%) chose the description of atopic dermatitis. The question about the symptoms of psoriasis of the nail also showed a very low level of awareness among respondents, with only 20.2% giving the correct answer. When it comes to the factors that trigger the symptoms of the condition in question, the most common answers were stress (30%), infection (28.9%) and skin damage (18.9%), which is correct. Men and women of all ages most often agreed that psoriasis can be a contraindication to cosmetic procedures, but depending on the type of procedure; this gives satisfactory results and proves that people with psoriasis can, according to the respondents, use cosmetic services despite skin changes. The question about periods of remission also showed that respondents had a satisfactory knowledge of this subject, as the correct answer – that there are periods of remission in this disease - was given by the largest number of respondents in each study group (between 50 and 100%).


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