



cosmetics, face care, opinion, respondents


Purpose: The aim of the study was to verify the opinion of women and men of different ages about face care, as well as the use of face care cosmetics and care possibilities.

Methodology. A total of 160 respondents took part in the study. The level of knowledge concerning the principles of proper skin care, facial skin care related to skin problems, as well as knowledge of the methods and cosmetics used for this purpose were tested. Among the respondents took part 80 women (50 %) and 80 men (50 %), aged 17 to 64 years old. Most of the respondents were those surveyed aged between 20 and 30, with 36 women (22.5 % of all respondents) and 29 men (over 18 % of all respondents). The second largest group is those surveyed between the ages of 30 and 40; in this group, there were 15 women (over 9 % of all respondents) and 21 men (over 13 % of all respondents). The remaining groups are as follows: under 20 – 22 people (almost 14 %), between 40 and 50 – 26 people (over 16 % of respondents), and over 50 – 11 people (less than 7 % of respondents). Together with the survey, the respondents received information about its author, purposefulness, and anonymity of the survey. The survey, which is a research tool, is its own development. The study consisted of answering the survey questions independently without the participation of the researcher. The survey consisted of 11 different types of questions that were designed to motivate the respondents to provide the information sought. These were both metric questions and questions about the subjective experiences of the respondents.

Scientific novelty. Almost 40 % of the respondents believe that face care is for them the use of cosmetics for this purpose. Not much more than 30 % of all respondents claim that showering is face care. The answer "make-up removal" was given by over 16 % of all respondents, and "treatments in a beauty salon" was 13.5 %. On the other hand, 2.19 % of respondents answered that they could not assess what facial care meant to them. When examining the frequency of using cosmetics by the respondents, over 50 % of the respondents claim that they use them every day, about 45 % – sometimes, and only 2.5 % do not use them at all. Creams, lotions, tonics, and facial cleansing gels are the most popular cosmetics used for facial skin care. On the other hand, men most often use soap for facial skin care, and women – micellar water. More than half of the respondents declare that they use peels (almost 80% of women surveyed, almost 20 % of men). More than half of the respondents answered that they use a mask; they were mostly women, who were dominated by cleansing and moisturizing masks. The survey also asked about cosmetics eliminating imperfections, where moisturizing and anti-acne cosmetics dominated in both sexes.

Conclusions. This study demonstrated that еhe respondents' knowledge of facial care is definitely unsatisfactory. When choosing face care cosmetics, respondents are most often guided by the price and intended use for their skin type. On the other hand, taking into account the division into sex and age, it is rather women who take into account these factors and often pay attention to the composition and brand of the cosmetic. On the other hand, men are very often guided by price, brand, and efficiency, especially at a young age, while later age they are more interested in the convenience of use and the opinion of others. Men are just as often guided by habit. Therefore, it can be concluded that they forget about the most important values of cosmetics.


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2023-11-18 — Updated on 2023-11-19

