


bioindication, biomarker, molluscs, oxidative stress, snails


Interest in bioindicator systems has grown significantly in recent years. The use of biomarkers of oxidative stress is of potential interest for assessing exposure to pollutants or seasonal variations in animals in the field. In addition, the interaction between xenobiotics and components of antioxidant protection systems plays an important role in the ecotoxicological response of the organism to the influence of environmental factors.

Рurpose: assessment of the impact of different types of pollution on several species of snails using biomarkers of oxidative stress for biomonitoring purposes.

Methodology. The results of studies of indicator animals, which included various characteristics in order to evaluate them as an early warning indicator organism regarding the potential risks of pollution for the population, were elaborated. Study of potential applications identified for indicator species, including environmental monitoring, identification of new potentially hazardous impacts as a result of monitoring changes in animal populations, and support for risk assessment at several stages of the process.

The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time the responses to oxidative stress in terrestrial molluscs were comprehensively studied as biomarkers for assessing the effects of toxicants.

Conclusions. Environmental pollution monitoring can have two main goals: to quantify the distribution of the pollutant and to measure its impact on the biota of the polluted habitats. Increasingly, the use of snails as sensitive bioindicators of environmental pollution has gained great importance and application to integrate the pollution signal in a certain area or in a certain period of time, if there is sufficient knowledge about the sources and mobility of pollutants in ecosystems, to study the kinetics of their absorption in ecosystems. The physiological response of snails to pollution can simultaneously reflect the quality of the environment in naturally depleted ecosystems in order to assess the impact of a number of pollutants. The use of snails in toxicity bioassays is an important technique because snails are easy to culture in the laboratory, can be maintained on artificial diets with desired amounts of metals, and respond rapidly to metal contamination in the sublethal dose range. Several species of terrestrial, freshwater and marine snails are characterized by high potential for biomonitoring and biosensing. Various biomarkers such as markers of oxidative stress, antioxidant defense, expression of heat shock proteins and metallothioneins in the body are important in vivo biomarkers for pollution biomonitoring. Snails have been observed to reflect an environmentally friendly approach to biomonitoring by detecting numerous physiological, biochemical, genetic and histological biomarkers in their body.


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