Polissya of Ukraine, nature reserve fund, regional landscape parks, phytodiversity, plant communities, rare species of vascular plantsAbstract
One of the most pressing problems of today is the need to preserve and protect habitats, biological and landscape diversity, and first of all, phytodiversity and cenocomplexes. The ecosystems of Ukrainian Polesie are characterized by significant biodiversity and are relatively preserved and unique for Eastern Europe. Rich flora and fauna with a complex of boreal and Central European species are concentrated here.
The purpose of the study was to characterize the current state, floristic and coenotic features, to reveal individual landscape characteristics of regional landscape parks of the Polesie part of Ukraine.
Methodology. To carry out the study, generally accepted methods and techniques (route, geobotanical descriptions of key territories) were used, which made it possible to provide modern characteristics of the territories of the RLP of the Polesie part of Ukraine, in particular their floristic and coenotic features. A generalization of the author's data on the rare phytodiversity of the RLP of the study area is carried out. The names of taxa of vascular plants are given on the basis of modern approaches of nomenclature and according to the data of the National Network Biodiversity Information (UkrBIN).
Scientific novelty. On the basis of our own floral and horological studies, the processing of the herbarium collection of the T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium» and the analysis of literary sources, the floristic and coenotic features of the territories of the RLP of the Polesie part of Ukraine are summarized.
Conclusions. Within the boundaries of the Polish part of Ukraine, 5 RLPs were created (Prypyat-Stokhid (established in 1995), Nadsluchanskyi (2000), Mizhrychynskyi (2002), Yalivshchyna (2014) and Ptashynyy ray (2017), which are important elements of the nature reserve network for preservation of biodiversity and landscapes at the regional level. They have a total area of 118,260.45 hectares, which is 1.62% of the total area of the territory of Ukrainian Polesie, and provide protection for natural-territorial complexes with an appropriate floristic and coenotic structure and a number of rare species of vascular plants and groups from the Green Book of Ukraine. It should be emphasized that qualitatively they do not cover all physical and geographical areas of Ukrainian Polesie, but also quantitative indicators, in particular, increasing the area of existing protected areas could cover a territorially larger number of rare species of phytodiversity and groups that are representative of the Polesie region, increasing the percentage of its conservation.
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