phytodiversity, vascular plants, nature conservation areas, Chernihiv Polesia, regional landscape park “Yalivshchyna”, Chernihiv cityAbstract
A complete inventory of biota, including vascular plants as a basis for further botanical monitoring, is an urgent and priority task for each object of the nature reserve fund.
The purpose of the article. Provide a general list of vascular plant species of the spontaneous flora of the territory of the regional landscape park (RLP) “Yalivshchyna”.
Research methodology. Field research was conducted in the period of 2015-2022 by detailed route and semi-stationary methods within the functional zones of the park, its forest ecotopes of the Yalivshchyna RLP, and the author’s data on the phytodiversity of the park were summarized. When studying the flora, generally recognized methods of floristic analysis were used. The names of vascular plant taxa are given on the basis of modern nomenclature approaches, according to the data of the National Biodiversity Information Network (UkrBIN).
Scientific novelty. On the basis of our own florochorological studies, processing of the herbarium collection of the T.H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Colehium” and the analysis of literary sources, a list of spontaneous vascular plants was compiled for the first time for the territory of the “Yalivshchyna” RLP in Chernihiv city.
Conclusion. In the composition of the spontaneous flora of the regional landscape park “Yalivshchyna” 605 species were found, which according to the systematic structure are distributed among 340 genera, 95 families of vascular plants. In general, it should be noted that the flora of the “Yalivshchyna” RLP is characterized by significant species diversity, the presence of a number of rare taxa. The flora of the park is dominated by natural species of the forest group, but it also includes a number of synanthropic and introduced species that have a fragmented distribution, and this is due to the long-term anthropogenic impact on the territory of the “Yalivshchyna” RLP and the existence of a botanical garden on this territory in 50-70s of the 20th century.
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