pine plantations, Ips acuminatus, Ips sexdentatus, pheromone monitoring, Chernihiv Polesie, regional landscape park “Yalivshchyna”, ChernihivAbstract
Forest ecosystems of nature reserve objects within urban territories are insufficiently studied in modern science and require further research. Pine plantations in urban green zones are the most important and effective means of microclimate formation, as well as an ecologically stabilizing factor in general. Mass reproduction and spread over large areas of trunk pests on Pinus sylvestris L. trees under the influence of a complex of environmental factors is one of the significant factors that disrupt the structure of forest ecosystems. We have established that pests of the Ipidae family play a leading role in the drying of pine plantations in the territories of Chernihiv Polesie, namely the regional landscape park «Yalivshchyna» (hereinafter - the park). They inhabit weakened trees as a result of natural and climatic changes and excessive anthropogenic stress.
The aim of study. On the basis of a generalized analysis of the current state of pine communities on the territory of the Yalivshchyna RLP, describe the characteristics of pine communities in the study area; to find out the impact of trunk pests of the Ipidae family on them, to determine indicators of the condition of Pinus sylvestris trees, characteristics of pest populations in areas weakened by natural factors and anthropogenic influences; to develop a rationale for methods of combating stem pests of pine plantations in Chernihiv Polesie.
Methodology. Stem pests are divided into two phenological groups (spring and summer) according to the time of their settlement. Among the most widespread trunk pests, the spring group includes: Tomicus minor Hart., Ips acuminatus Gyll., Ips sexdentatus Boern., Ips typographus L. The summer phenological group consists of secondary and sister generations of the top bark beetle, the short bark beetle and the typographer bark beetle. Detailed supervision is carried out from the moment of detection of an outbreak of mass reproduction until its complete extinction due to the death or recovery of pine plantations. The use of pheromones for surveillance is expedient in the general system of detecting foci of forest stem pests and controlling their development. Since pheromones are biologically active substances, there is a danger of provoking the emergence of new cells with their help, and therefore they should be used strictly in accordance with the instructions and recommendations.
Scientific novelty. On the basis of our own monitoring studies and analysis, the results of the practical application of complex technological, biotechnical and environmental protection measures to combat stem pests of pine plantations in nature-reserved areas within urban ecosystems are shown for the first time. We have proven that in order to preserve the ecological stability of pine plantations in the territory of Chernihiv Polesie, in particular, RLP «Yalivshchyna» (Chernihiv) and reduce the negative impact of xylophagous insects, it is necessary to design and use preventive and biological methods of combating trunk pests of conifers.
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