


reference species, population polymophysm, phenotype, gray spot, genetic polymorphism, phenoid frequency index, multiple allelism


Purpose of the work. Comparative analysis of intra- and interpopulation variability of Trifolium repens L. by the pattern of a «grey» spot on the leaf of plants in different environmental conditions.

Methodology The research was based on office and field research, the materials were collected using by means of geobotanic method. The analysis of genetic polymorphism and individual variability was carried out according by using generally accepted methodologies.

Scientific novelty. The analysis of polymorphism of T. repens populations was carried multifunctional zones of urban ecosystems. Morphogenetic homogeneity was established, with a predominance of phenotypes O, A and C in natural populations. Environment-induced phenotypic plasticity may be a critical component of the response to environmental change. The mechanism of conservation of polymorphism in the urboenvironment is due to the adaptive effects of overdominance, when different alleles are preserved in the population due to balancing selection, which favors heterozygosity. Territories with high anthropogenic load are characterized by the following variety with phenotypes: АН and ВНС. In residential zones, the ВН phenotype predominance in population, and in industrial zones – ВНС, which can serve as an indicator.

Differences in the biomass of stems and leaves in different ecosystems were found: agrocultural and devastic zones have the highest biomass, and the meadow ecosystem is distinguished by the highest values of the height of the peduncle and petiole of the biomass of stems and leaves, but the smallest number of leaves. A decrease in the diameter, weight of the inflorescence and the number of flowers in the inflorescence is a non-specific reaction to anthropogenic influence, with the maximum deviation of the stability of clover development in the trampling zone.

Conclusions. The polymorphism of T. repens populations was investigated by the method of quantitative calculation of heterogeneity of populations by the presence and diversity of the "gray" spot on the leaves. The shape of the pattern shape and phenotype frequency of phenotypes were analyzed, the presence of plants with unique phenotypes (a pattern of a different color, leaves with 4 or more leaflets) was noted. A difference in the frequency of occurrence of genotypes in multifunctional zones has been established, the dependence of the degree of heterogeneity of populations on age was noted and the type of anthropogenic load. Ten phenotypic classes were identified, the minimum number of various phenophiles was 4, which indicates different degrees of morphogenetic polymorphism.


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