Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., concept, operational biomonitoringAbstract
Purpose of the work. To substantiate the advantages of using Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. in the system of operational biomonitoring for environmental emergency zones.
Methodology research was based on general scientific methods (generalization, comparison, analysis and synthesis, theoretical and methodological substantiation).
Scientific novelty. The concept of operational biomonitoring is proposed, which can be conventionally called drosophila, since there are two types of Drosophila in the center. One plant is Arabidopsis thaliana, the other is classic Drosophila melanogaster. Both species have similar life characteristics, small size, unpretentiousness in maintenance and a wide variety of mutant forms, the genome is sequenced and annotated. The objectivity of the parallelism between these two species has been confirmed. Benefits shown A. thaliana and D. melanogaster as convenient models for testing the effects of pollutants on the body.
Conclusions. The main component of the systematic analysis of the natural environment is informationally significant indicators of the variability of signs that are easily diagnosed. Operational biomonitoring is aimed at quick and accurate diagnosis of the ecological situation and can be promising in territories dangerous for the long-term stay of the environmental researcher.
The concept of operational biomonitoring, which is conventionally called Drosophila concept, involves the Arabidopsis thaliana and Drosophila melanogaster use. They have small size, unpretentiousness in maintenance and a large variety of mutant forms, the genome is sequenced and annotated, as models for testing the pollutants impact on a living organism.
Arabidopsis thaliana meets the criterion of well-characterized model organisms and is one of the best experimental systems for studying various processes. A. thaliana is a useful model for studying gravitropism, genetics, genomics, and operational monitoring. Unlike animal model organisms, for which line maintenance often involves continuous ongoing work, the seeds of this model organism can be stored for long periods of time. The depth of understanding and ease of manipulation in the Arabidopsis system is unparalleled, and this plant will remain a reference plant for the foreseeable future.
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