phytodiversity, niche fields, floristic composition of biotopes, Vyzhnytsky National Nature ParkAbstract
Purpose of the work. To analyze the phytocenoses of the Vyzhnytsky National Nature Park in order to the ecotopological characteristics, to carry out a structural analysis and a comparative synphytoindication assessment.
Methodology research was based office and field research, the materials were collected using geobotanical methods. The taxonomic structure was analyzed by families, classes, divisions and phyla according to systematic classifications. The syntaxa were identified using the Plant Communities Identifier and the Ukrainian Geobotanical Website. The analysis of the ecological and biomorphic structure was carried out according to generally accepted methods.
Scientific novelty. A comprehensive study of the plant composition of the tracts of the Vyzhnytsky National Nature Park of a representative ecosystem was carried out. The main aspects of biodiversity are revealed, paying attention to the taxonomic, ecological and geographical aspects. The features of the floristic composition depending on the hydrotope, trophotop and soil characteristics are established, the main factors that limit the distribution of plants in this ecosystem are identified. This approach allows for an understanding of the relationships between plants and the environment and contributes to a deeper understanding of ecosystem functioning.
Conclusions. The species, taxonomic and ecological diversity of plants of the Vyzhnytsky National Nature Park as a reference and representative ecosystem is studied. It’s shown that the basis of the floristic composition in relation to the hydrotope is formed by plants of fresh and moist meadow ecotopes with complete soaking and temporary excessive moistening of the root layer of the soil by precipitation and melt water. In relation to trophotop, the predominance of plants of mildly acidic soils was revealed, in relation to the nitrogen content in the soil – heminitrophils, and in terms of the supply of soils with salts – semieutrophs. Based on the analysis of niche fields and niche spaces, the main. The limiting factors were: for climatope - the thermal regime and humidity of the climate; for edaphotope - the water and salt regimes of soils.
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