green infrastructure, sustainable development, urbanisation index, warfare, biodiversity, air pollutionAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the condition of park ecosystems in Chernihiv in relation to urbanization levels and air pollution from vehicular emissions.
Methodology: The study assessed the state of park ecosystems (PE) in various districts of Chernihiv, following the methodological guidelines by Lavrov et al. (2021). Species composition, the health of vegetation by layers, and the impact of anthropogenic pollution were examined in temporary sample plots (0.2–0.6 ha) established in mature park areas in 2023. The urbanization index was calculated using the Urbanisation Score software, which analyzes land use—such as asphalt, buildings, and green space intensity—using Google Maps imagery. Road traffic load and phytotoxic emissions near the PEs were estimated based on the methodology of Miroshnyk et al. (2022). Maps were generated with the GIS tools Golden Software Surfer 19.2.213, using the kriging method, and QGIS 3.16.3.
Scientific Novelty: This study provides the first environmental assessment of Chernihiv's green infrastructure a year after the intense warfare of spring 2022. The findings reveal that urbanization index values in Chernihiv range from 2.5 to -5, decreasing as one approaches the Dnipro River valley.
Conclusions: The study found that the regional landscape park ‘Yalivshchyna’ and the remaining forest area in the Podusivka neighborhood are significantly impacted by vehicular aerotoxicants. The central park, ‘City Garden’, and the municipal forest park, ‘Maryin Hai,’ situated within the river valley, display better sanitary conditions than those in the city's central areas. Urbanization levels decrease closer to the river valley. Additionally, the Ski Base forest area suffered notable damage to its green infrastructure due to warfare during the city's siege in February-April 2022.
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