


Covid-19, hematological parameters, BC-6000 MINDRAY


Purpose of the work. To reveal the values of hematological parameters that indicate “typical” and “atypical” immune responses of the human body to the effect of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Methodology. The research is based on the results of laboratory diagnostics conducted on the basis of the automatic hematology analyzer VS-6000 MINDRAY on the basis of the Municipal Enterprise “Olexandriv Clinical Hospital of the City of Kyiv” for the control group and the research group - patients for whom clinically established the diagnosis "Covid-19, medium degree of severity".

Scientific novelty. The substantiation of biochemical processes that reflect the immune response of the human body to the action of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes the coronavirus disease Covid-19, has gained further development.

Conclusions. Among the biological markers of the “typical immune response” of the body of patients with Covid-19, the following were selected: an increase compared to the reference values in the level of WBC leukocytes (leukocytosis), GRA granulocytes, a decrease in the level of LYM lymphocytes (lymphopenia), accompanied by neutrophilia. Based on the obtained results, a conditional “risk group” was identified among the members of the research group, for whom doctors clinically diagnosed “Covid-19, medium degree of severity”, have an “atypical immune response” of the body to the effect of the SARS-CoV-2 virus: the levels of WBC leukocytes, LYM lymphocytes, and GRA granulocytes were mainly within the reference values or close to the lower limit of the reference values. Additional biological markers were identified that indicate the body's “atypical immune response” to the Covid-19 coronavirus infection: the same level of concentration of lymphocytes (LYM) and neutrophils on the WBC leukocyte histogram; a decrease compared to the reference values of the average volume of erythrocytes (MCV) and the average content of hemoglobin in an erythrocyte (MCH), which causes the occurrence of microcytosis, is the basis for the appearance of anemia; expansion of the erythrocyte curve on the RBC histogram, the existence of two peaks indicate heterogeneity of erythrocyte sizes, which causes changes in iron homeostasis and disruption of erythropoiesis; a decrease in the level of thrombocrit (PCT) indicates a high probability of thrombocytopenia; the presence of small “jagged peaks” on the PLT platelet histogram, which does not end at the baseline, indicates the possible aggregation of platelets and their ability to form blood clots.


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