



biodiversity, rare species, Copepoda, Cyclopidae, protected areas


Purpose of the work. To study the species diversity of cyclopoid copepods of protected areas with different protection status, and to conduct a comparative analysis of the species composition of cyclopids and their species complexes of lakes within and outside the protected areas.

Methodology. The material was collected over 2014–2021 from March to November in protected areas in Kyiv and Chernihiv Polesie. For comparison, the material collected in the lakes of Kyiv city over 2013–2016 was used. Samples were collected by washing from macrophytes removed from the water bodies and by filtering the water using a plankton net. Species identification of cyclopids was carried out on live specimens or preparatums in glycerol, using the main works on this group (Monchenko, 1974; Lee et al., 2005; Gaponova & Holynska, 2022). Hierarchical cluster analysis based on the percentage of disagreement value in cyclopid species composition was used to compare the lakes.

Scientific novelty. The results of the cyclopid species diversity study in the water bodies of Kyiv and Chernihiv Polesie are presented. A comparative analysis of the cyclopid species complexes in lakes on the territory of the protected areas and the city of Kyiv has been carried out.

Conclusions. The studied protected areas are characterized by a significant species diversity of cyclopoid copepods – 27 of 49 species known for Ukrainian Polesie were recorded, and the presence of rare species (Eucyclops denticulatus, Paracyclops affinis and Paracyclops poppei).

The comparative analysis demonstrated that the lakes of the protected areas are characterized by a higher species diversity of cyclopids compared to the lakes of Kyiv city. They are also differed by a low representation (1–2 species) or absence of species belonging to the lake-river and lake-pond complexes in urban lakes. 

Thus, the above data indicate that the studied protected areas are valuable objects of the nature reserve fund and, regardless of their protection status, provide the conservation of species diversity of cyclopoid copepods, especially rare species, and therefore serve as biodiversity reserves.


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