



impact on ecosystems, emission reduction, resource conservation, green energy, alternative sources energy, habitat loss, climate change policy, health risks, socio-economic impacts


The issue of environmental problems is particularly important today. The relevance is determined by the fact that global challenges arise every day, and global warming causes serious climate change and threatens the disappearance of the ecosystem.

The purpose of the article is to analyze current trends and consequences of global and regional climate change.

Methodology. A set of general scientific methods (analytical and synthetic hermeneutic, pragmatic, and generalization techniques) was employed to achieve the research goal and ensure the scientific reliability of the results.

Scientific novelty. The study reveals the main problems of nature management and changes in nature caused by anthropogenic activities. The importance of the population's counteraction to negative impacts on the planet’s ecosystem is emphasized. The study examines the main causes of climate change and substantiates the global risks associated with this phenomenon. The impact of climate change on the economic sector is analyzed. Special attention is paid to the terms “climate crisis” and “global climate change”. It is found that modern environmental problems include an increase in the number of wars, ocean pollution, global warming, resource shortages, and others. Each of these problems poses a serious threat to the development of any state. It is proved that in the context of political instability, Ukraine does not have the full potential to implement scientifically based balanced measures. The absence of an effective state policy on sustainable environmental management poses a threat to the economy and environment of Ukraine. It is necessary to find ways to solve the identified problems and consider promising areas for improving the factors that affect the environment and the environmental situation in general. Improving the environmental situation will allow Ukraine to rise to a new level in the global ranking.

The conclusions state that climate change threatens not only the economic and environmental security of the state, but also national security in general.


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