Instructions for authors

The article is presented in the original language (Ukrainian, Polish, English). The deadline for submitting articles is determined by the person responsible for the issue. On average, the period of publication of articles from the moment of receipt is 4 months, unless unforeseen circumstances arise.

The article must necessarily contain the following elements: statement of the problem in general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; analysis of the main researches and publications on the raised problem; formulation of the purpose of the article; coverage of the theoretical-methodological and/or experimental research procedure with an indication of research methods; presentation of the main research material with justification of the obtained scientific results; research conclusions and prospects for further scientific research.

The text of the article must be carefully checked and edited by the author. An article that is not designed according to the requirements, with semantic, grammatical or stylistic errors, will not be accepted for publication.

WARNING! It is not allowed to use data that was presented in protected dissertation studies, as well as previously published articles.

The approximate length of the article is 10–16 pages of A4 format.

Technical requirements for the preparation of the manuscript of the article:

The manuscript should be submitted in *.doc or *.rtf (MSWord) format: font – Times New Roman, keel – 14, line spacing – 1.5 intervals of the computer standard. Margins: top and bottom - 2 cm, right - 1.5 cm, left - 3 cm. Paragraph - 1.0 cm. Pages are not numbered, text is typed without hyphens.

Structure of the article:

  1. UDC index, with a paragraph indent, in the upper left corner of the first page.

  2. The next line is the name and surname of the author(s) in English.

  3. The next line is the title of the article in English, Ukrainian and Polish (if the article is written in Polish) or in English and Ukrainian (if the article is written in Ukrainian), in capital letters, without paragraph indent, centered. The title should be short (no more than 8 words) and reflect the content of the article.

  4. The next line is the abstract in English, Polish (if the article is written in Polish) and Ukrainian (with the word "ABSTRACT" in the appropriate language, in the center; the text of the abstract is paragraph indented, aligned with the width of the text, single line spacing). The length is at least 1,800 characters with spaces. The abstract should contain the following structural elements highlighted in bold text: purpose of the work, methodology, scientific novelty, conclusions.

  5. The next line is key words (the phrase "Key words" in bold, paragraph indented, aligned to the width of the text, single line spacing). No more than five keywords.

  6. Through the line - the main text of the article according to the structural elements: statement of the problem, research results, conclusions.

  7. The text of the article should include references to all references.

References are given in round brackets with the name(s) of the author(s) in chronological order, for example:

one author – Lukash, 2019;

two authors – Tkachuk & Zelena, 2020;

three authors and more - Kurmakova et al., 2021.

Publications without authors are cited in accordance with APA style.

  1. After the main text of the article, a list of references is provided. It should contain only those sources to which reference is made in the text. The word "References" is written aligned. References are presented in alphabetical order using the Latin alphabet. References that are originally written in languages using the Latin script are presented in the original language, formatted according to APA style indicating the language of publication in round brackets. References, which are written in the original language with Cyrillic writing, are presented in two paragraphs as follows: first, the translation into English (not transliteration!), formatted according to APA style, and in the second paragraph - in the original language according to DSTU 8302:2015. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of compilation 

    For example:

    Tkachuk, N. V., & Zelena, L. B. (2022). Biosafety in the formation of professional competences of bachelors from the courses “Microbiology and virology with the basics of immunology” and “Genetics”. Environmental sciences, 2(41), 41-145.  (in Ukrainian)

    Ткачук Н.В., Зелена Л.Б. Біобезпека при формуванні фахових компетенцій бакалаврів з курсів «Мікробіологія і вірусологія з основами імунології» та «Генетика». Екологічні науки. 2022. №2(41). С.141-145. DOI:

  2. Tables, diagrams, figures, diagrams must be author's, not copied from other publications and numbered. They are placed without a paragraph in the center of the page directly after a link to them in the text of the article or on the next page. The word "Table" and its number are written on top aligned to the right, and the name of the table is aligned in the center on the line below. Illustrations (figures, block diagrams, graphs) must be made in one of the graphic editors. Figures can be submitted in color. Flow charts and figures (must be grouped) are additionally provided as separate files in electronic form. Illustrations are signed from the bottom aligned with the center.
  3. Formulas and letter designations of quantities are typed in the MathType-Equation editor and presented in text or a separate line without paragraph indent, aligned with the center, numbered with Arabic numerals in round brackets on the right side of the page.

  4. The following signs are used in the text of the article: quotation marks (« »), apostrophe (’), a dash (–) instead of a hyphen (-). A colon (:) is placed without a space.
  5. Words, phrases and sentences in the Latin language in the article are highlighted in italics, regardless of the language of the article.


… the plant extract was carried out in vitro by the Kirby-Bauer disc…

… are important in vivo biomarkers for biomonitoring…

Taxa (all) and syntaxa of vegetation are given only in Latin and highlighted in italics. The author(s) of the taxon or syntaxon should be indicated in normal font at the first mention in each structural part of the article (title, abstracts and keywords in any language, the actual text (body) of the article), as well as captions to tables and figures.

If species belonging to one genus are mentioned in the article, and between these mentions there are no mentions of species of other genera, then after the first writing of the full species name, the name of the species should be given further in the text, shortening the name of the genus to the first letter with a dot. This rule applies within any structural part of the article, as well as captions to tables and figures.

An example of writing the Latin names of taxa and syn taxa in one article:




… the coexistence of other Platanus L. species… Picea abies (L.) Karst.

… the study of the genus Platanus in the … as Platanus acerifolia (Aiton) Willd. is a…

… the genus Platanus in Transcarpathia will…. Picea abies

The spruce forest communities of the Dnieper part of Eastern Polesie belong to the Eu-Piceetum (Cajander 1921) Keilland-Lund 1967 and Querco-Piceetum (Matuszkiewicz 1952) Matuszkiewicz et Polakowska 1955 associations of the Piceion excelsae Pawłowski et al. 1928 alliance of the Piceetalia excelsae Pawłowski et al. 1928 order of the Vaccinio-Piceetea Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1939 class.

The natural spruce forest of the Querco-Piceetum association…

Key words: introduced plants, Picea abies (L.) Karst., Platanus L., Transcarpathia


… міжвидових гібридів роду Platanus L. Picea abies (L.) Karst.

… гібриди роду PlatanusPicea abies

… належить до виду Platanus acerifolia (Aiton) Willd. і має статусу…

Угруповання ялинових лісів придніпровської частини Східного Полісся належать до асоціацій Eu-Piceetum (Cajander 1921) Keilland-Lund 1967 та Querco-Piceetum (Matuszkiewicz 1952) Matuszkiewicz et Polakowska 1955 з союзу Piceion excelsae Pawłowski et al. 1928 порядку Piceetalia excelsae Pawłowski et al. 1928 класу Vaccinio-Piceetea Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1939.

Природний ялинник асоціації Querco-Piceetum

Ключові слова: Закарпаття, рослини-інтродуценти, Picea abies (L.) Karst., Platanus L.

Formulation of the problem

In … two primary progenitors: Platanus orientalis L. and P. occidentalis L. Additionally, there are several natural hybrid species, including the P. acerifolia (Aiton) Willd., P. cuneata Willd., P. digitata Gord., P. hispanica Münchh. and others.

Results and discussion

 P. occidentalis also known simply as “sycamore”, …, Ficus sycómorus L., which is … and even the Acer pseudoplatanus L….

Platanus orientalis along with…

Fig. 1: Platanus acerifolia (Aiton) Willd (photo by Ivan Dzurenko)

P. occidentalis is notably affected by the fungus Gloeosporium nervisequum (Fuckel) Sacc….

Eu-Piceetum (Cajander 1921) Keilland-Lund 1967 association…

Table. Structure of the Eu-Piceetum (Cajander 1921) Keilland-Lund 1967 association

Eu-Piceetum is formed in an ecotone area …

… both Platanus occidentalis and P. acerifolia grew…

… phytocenoses of the Epilobietea angustifolii Tx. et Preising ex von Rochow 1951 and Robinietea Jurko ex Hadač et Sofron 1980 classes are formed…


… Among these species is P. acerifolia.

…, phytocenoses of the Epilobietea angustifolii class is…


  1. After References, information about each author is provided in English:
  • First line - Surname, Name [in Ukrainian: Прізвище Ім’я] 1[i], position, scientific degree and academic title (if available), e-mail.

  • The next line is the mandatory ORCID of the author (the profile must be filled and open for public viewing).

  • The next line is the author's ResearcherID (if available), the author's Scopus-AuthorID (if available).

  • The next line is an indication of the organization in which the author works.

  • The next line is a mandatory indication of the full address of the organization where the author works, indicating the index and country.

  1. At the end of the page, the date it was sent to the editorial office of the magazine is indicated.


The article is accompanied by a list of 2-3 potential reviewers (PhD and/or Doctors of Sciences who carry out research in a specialty that corresponds to the topic of the material submitted for publication, and are authors (co-authors) of a total of at least three publications in scientific publications included in category "A" and/or category "B" of the List of scientific specialized publications of Ukraine, and /or in foreign publications indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection and/or Scopus databases for the relevant specialty, published within the last five years) with an indication of their place of work, scientific interests, ORCID and Google Scholar, e-mail.

Submission, publication and access to published articles are free.

The text of the article and additional materials should be sent by e-mail to the address or bht.journal.nuchc@gmail (indicate the author’s last name in the letter).




[i]1 Indicate the contribution of the corresponding (1 – first, 2 – second, etc.) author to the publication choosing from the list: 1) study design, 2) data collection, 3) statistical analysis, 4) manuscript preparation, 5) funds collection.