leaves, ultrastructure of surface, SEM, flora of Ukraine, Viburnum L.Abstract
The aims of the study. The aim is to carry out the investigation of the ultrastructure of the surface of the leaf blade of species of the genus Viburnum L. flora of Ukraine. V. opulus L., V. lantana L., V. tinus L. due to the necessity of selection of the stress-resistant highly decorative plants for greening anthropogenically transformed urban landscapes was examined.
Methodology. The materials were selected from Herbarium of M.G. Kholodny the Institute of Botany (KW) and Herbarium of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (LW) from different points of the range. Light and scanning electron microscopy methods were used for the research.
Scientific novelty. The ultrastructure of the surface of the leaves of three species of the genus Viburnum L. of the flora of Ukraine was studied using the methods of light and scanning electron microscopy. Signs by which species are distinguished have been established. Thus, the species are clearly distinguished by the type of cuticle (in V. tinus the cuticle is smooth, in the other two species – folded); type of relief of the leaf blade: in V. opulus, the relief is ossiform ridges on the adaxial surface and captor – ridger surface on the abaxial surface; in V. tinus – tuberculate type and colliculate type (respectively), in V. lantana – ossiform ridges on both surfaces. In addition, the species differ in the type and degree of development of epicuticular wax. Crystalloid wax is observed in all species, but in V. opulus it is represented by granules, in the other two species – plates, occasionally granules. Crusts occur occasionally in V. opulus and V. tinus. The leaf plates of V. tinus have the largest number of wax deposits, the smallest - V. opulus.
Conclusions. The micromorphological structure of the ultrastructure of the leaf blade of three species of the genus Viburnum of the flora of Ukraine was studied. As a result of the analysis of the micromorphological features of the leaf, features common to the species and those by which they are clearly distinguished were revealed. Thus, studied species are characterized by a hypostomatic type of leaf plate, paracytic stomata, well-developed epicuticular wax, more intense pubescence on the adaxial surface.
Distinctive features are the relief of the surface, the type of epicuticular wax, the type of trichomes (in V. opulus and V. lantana there are 3-5-axis stellate trichomes, in V. tinus there are no such trichomes; only in V. lantana there are glands) and their localization, type and ratio of stomata (anomocytic stomata predominate in V. opulus, paracytic stomata in V. lantana, only paracytic stomata present in V. tinus).
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