biodiversity conservation, introduction, collection of natural flora species, biotechnology, seed bankAbstract
Objective is to study and analyse the history of the creation of the József Szikura Botanical Garden, the results of its scientific, educational and environmental work.
Materials and methods of the study. The collections of the natural flora plants established by Professor József Szikura in 2011 in the village of Velyki Berehy, located 8 km northeast of the city of Berehove, Zakarpattya region were studied.
The main criteria for assessing the plants diversity in the botanical garden were the following: the qualitative and quantitative composition of the collections, their condition, the results of plant propagation, the possibility of repatriating them to natural ecosystems, the effects of research work, and educational activities.
The plant compositions were analyzed, and the species composition of the plots was studied. The role of the botanical garden in preserving the gene pool of flora was also assessed by the qualitative and quantitative composition of the long-lived seed bank. The results of the cultivation and acclimatisation of species of the world flora and the Carpathians have been evaluated since 2012. The evaluation of the results, cultivation and acclimatization of species of the world flora and the Carpathians has been carried out since 2012.
Scientific novelty. For the first time, the compositional and systematic composition of the József Szikura Botanical Garden was analysed in the context of successful solution of problems related to the conservation of plant diversity in artificially created phytocoenoses of Transcarpathia.
Based on the results of the study, an electronic catalogue (EC) of the Bank of long-lived seeds was created for the first time.
Conclusions. According to the results of the inventory analysis, it was determined that the area of 0,82 ha is represented by plants of different natural flora, the taxonomic composition of the collection of which includes 89 families, 468 species, 149 varieties and cultivars.
The most numerous families in the collection are Amaryllidaceae J.St.-Hil., Iridaceae Juss., Poaceae Barnhart, Caryophyllaceae Juss., Lamiaceae Martinov, Asteraceae Giseke, Cupressaceae Gray. Three Allium L. species and two Iris L. species are listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine. The collection contains plants listed in the IUCN Red List (Allium - 5 species, Iris - 2 species) and the relict Syringa josikaea J.Jacq. ex Rchb.
The analysis of the composition of the Seed Bank showed the following distribution between taxa – 249 species belonging to 47 families.
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