introduced plants, Platanus L., TranscarpathiaAbstract
Brief overview is provided below concerning the distribution of various sycamore species within the region of Transcarpathia, along with the coexistence of other Platanus L. species and interspecific hybrids within this geographic area.
The purpose of the article is to study the species composition and distribution of species of the Platanus genus in Transcarpathia and the historical aspect of introduction, prospects for use in the landscaping of cities and villages of the Transcarpathian region.
Methodology. In the course of the study, the following methods were used: 1) a comparative-descriptive method of determining tree species; 2) a comparative genetic research method for the oldest tree of this genus in Transcarpathia – the «Drugeth sycamore».
The research topic involving the introduction of plane trees as exotic species holds undeniable significance. This importance stems from the intensive urbanization, the consistent rise in anthropogenic pressure on the biosphere, and the increasing levels of air pollution. These factors collectively contribute to the growing complexity of the ecological landscape, thereby emphasizing the pressing need for environmental conservation and protection.
Scientific novelty. Historically, plane trees were introduced in almost all cities of the Transcarpathian region. Until now, these trees are actively used to plant greenery in parks, squares and roadsides. A detailed dendrological study of certain species of exotics complements the floristic analysis of landscaping in the cities of Transcarpathia, which is currently carried out by scientists and special expert groups.
Conclusions. It’s clear that the study of the genus Platanus in the Transcarpathian region is essential for understanding the species composition and distribution of these trees in the area. It's especially important to clarify the classification of sycamores to distinguish between different species and hybrids accurately. The identification of the «Drugeth sycamore» as Platanus acerifolia (Aiton) Willd. is a valuable contribution to understanding the local flora.
The conservation status of the «Drugeth sycamore» highlights its significance and the need for protective measures. Installing a fence around the tree and providing an informational and protective board are excellent suggestions to preserve and protect this ancient giant from potential harm. These measures would not only ensure its longevity but also educate the public about the importance of conserving such unique and historically significant trees. Further research and documentation of the genus Platanus in Transcarpathia will help in better managing and preserving these trees and enriching the local biodiversity. It’s encouraging to see efforts aimed at understanding and protecting the natural heritage of the region.
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