flax seeds, bread, soaking, dough, water-soluble polysaccharides, optimization, dough microstructureAbstract
Enrichment of bakery products with flax seeds improves the physiological properties of the products, but it is often accompanied by a deterioration of sensory, physical, and chemical qualities, which requires further research into the development of technological measures and recommendations for obtaining products with good consumer properties. Pre-soaking of flax seeds is one such technological measure. Optimizing the parameters of soaking flax seeds was carried out using the experimental and statistical modeling method to solve problems of the “Technology – property” type.
In this work, the seeds of the yellow-seeded oil flax of “Svitlozir” variety were used. The dosage of flax seeds in the wheat bread recipe was 15 % to the weight of the flour. The control sample was dough with dry flax seeds, and the experimental sample was dough with pre-soaked flax seeds.
With the help of simplex-centroid Scheffe plans in MathCad15, the optimal parameters of flax seed soaking were determined, the use of which helps to increase the specific volume of products and improve the condition of bread crumb.
The purpose of this paper is to establish the optimal parameters for pre-soaking flax seeds in wheat-flax bread technology.
Methodology. Sensory, physical, and chemical research methods were used in this study. Modeling and processing the experimental data were performed using the mathematical package MathCad and “Data Analysis” (ET) MS Excel.
Scientific novelty. Using experimental and statistical modeling method, the parameters of pre-soaking flax seeds in wheat bread technology were determined for the first time: hydromodule 3, soaking water temperature 60 °C, soaking duration 120 or 150 min. By studying the microstructure of the dough, it was first established that an increase in the specific volume of bread using soaked flax seeds is achieved due to the fact that water-soluble flax seed polysaccharides extracted into the liquid phase during the kneading of the dough exhibit structure-forming properties, forming a developed spatial structure in the dough system.
Conclusions. Based on experimental studies and optimization of the technological process, it was established that when using flax seeds in the production of wheat bread, it is advisable to apply the operation of pre-soaking flax seeds with the following parameters: hydromodule 3, soaking water temperature 60 °C, soaking duration 120 or 150 min. According to the results of trial laboratory baking, it was established that using specified parameters of pre-soaking flax seeds in the production of wheat bread contributes to increasing specific volume of bread by 36 %, compared to the sample without soaking.
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