soil nematodes, taxonomic structure, dominance, frequency of occurrence, river banksAbstract
Purpose of the work. To obtain information about the taxonomic structure of soil nematode communities of the river banks in Chernihiv Polesia.
Methodology. Soil samples were collected from June to July 2014 of river banks along rivers Revna, Snov, Svyshen, Desna and Dnipro in 5 meadow ecosystems. Nematodes were extracted by a modified Baermann’s method from the 20 g sample. The exposition time was 48 h. Extracted nematodes were fixed in the triethanolamine–formalin (TAF, 2 % triethanolamine, 7 % formaldehyde solution, 91 % water), and mounted on the temporary hydroglyceric slides. Nematode abundance was expressed as specimens per 100 g of dry substrate. For every species we calculated dominance (individual domination, D) determines the percentage of specimens of a given species to the total number of nematodes and the frequency of occurrence (F) as the ratio of the number of samples in which the species was found to the total number of samples (in %).
Scientific novelty. The soil nematode fauna of the river banks in Chernihiv Polesia and its taxonomic analysis were studied for the first time. A total of 59 species belonging to 48 genera, 31 families and 9 orders were identified. The species Hirschmaniella gracilis and Bastianiа sp. are new for the fauna of the Chernihiv Polissya.
Conclusions. The average density of nematodes in the soil nematode communities was 672 individuals/100 g. The identified 59 species of nematodes belonging to nine orders: Enoplida, Triplonchida, Dorylaimida, Mononchida, Monhysterida, Plectida, Rhabditida, Aphelenchida and Tylenchida. Three orders Tylenchida, Dorylaimida, and Rhabditida dominate in terms of species richness and abundance. The number of identified species together is 37 or 62.6 %, and the number representatives in those orders is 87.9 % of the total. The families Plectidae and Cephalobidae are more diverse (7 species for each or 11.9% of the species composition), Tylenchidae and Cephalobidae are more numerous (24.7 % and 17.3 %, of the total number, respectively). Aglenchus agricola and Acrobeloides bűtschlii were most numerous and most common in the soil samples of the river banks.
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