Biota. Human. Technology <p><strong><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">Biota. Human. Technology publiched since 2022. </span></strong></p> <p><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en"><strong>Frequency of publications:</strong> 3 times a year (spring, autumn, winter).</span></p> <p><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en"><strong>UDC</strong> 57:54:664</span></p> <p><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en"><strong>ISSN</strong> 2786-6955</span></p> <p><strong><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">The founder of the edition is the <a href="">T.H. Shevchenko National University "Chernihiv Colehium"</a>. </span></strong></p> <p><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en"><strong>Place of publication:</strong> T.H. Shevchenko National University "Chernihiv Colehium", 53 Getmana Polubotka Str., Chernihiv, Ukraine, 14013. </span></p> <p><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en"><strong>Languages:</strong> Ukrainian, Polish, English.</span></p> <p><strong><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">Submission, publication and access to published articles are FREE.</span></strong></p> <p>The journal is an electronic international peer-reviewed scientific edition that publishes experimental and review articles devoted to the issues of biodiversity of flora, fauna and microbiota, the functioning of biological and ecological systems, including under the influence of stress factors, as well as articles devoted to issues of technology in the fields of healthy nutrition and chemistry.</p> <p><strong>The title consists of sections:</strong> Phytobiota, Zoobiota, Microbiota, Functioning of biological systems, Environmental pollution stresses and organism’s response, Biotic regulation of the environment, Man and his health, Anthropogenic transformation of ecosystems, Food technologies, Chemical technologies, Short Communications.</p> <p>According to the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine the journal Biota. Human. Technology is included in the List of specialized scientific publications of Ukraine (<strong>category "B"</strong>) in biological and technical sciences, in specialties <strong>091 (Biology and biochemistry)</strong>, <strong>101 (Ecology)</strong> and <strong>161 (Chemical technologies and engineering)</strong> (the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 220 of February 21, 2024); technical sciences in specialty <strong>181 (Food technologies)</strong> (the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 582 of April 24, 2024).</p> <p>The journal uses <strong>an open access publishing model</strong> supported by the T.H. Shevchenko National University "Chernihiv Colehium".</p> en-US (Олександр Васильович Лукаш) (Наталія Василівна Ткачук) Mon, 30 Dec 2024 15:12:31 +0200 OJS 60 CHANGES IN THE CONTENT OF ADENYLATES IN CARP TISSUES UNDER THE ACTION OF MYCOTOXIN T2 <p><strong>The purpose of the work. </strong>Study of the effect of mycotoxin T2 on the content of adenylates in the tissues of white muscles, liver and brain of carp.</p> <p><strong>Methodology</strong>. Determination of the content of ATP, ADP and AMP in the tissues of the relevant organs of fish was carried out by the method of ascending one-dimensional thin-layer chromatography on silica gel plates “Sorbfil” using the solvent system: 1,4-dioxane, isopropanol, ammonia, water in the ratio (4:2:1:4 ). In addition, for a more complete assessment of the state of the adenylate system of different carp tissues under pesticide load, the following characteristics of the energy state of the cell were calculated: adenylate energy charge (AEC) and the ratio of the active masses of the adenylate kinase reaction (AAR). The percentage ratio of adenyl nucleotides in fish tissues was also calculated. The amount of inorganic phosphorus was determined by the Fiske-Subarow method.</p> <p><strong>Scientific novelty</strong>. The study reveals specific changes in the content of adenylates under the influence of mycotoxin T2 in carp tissues, which allows a deeper understanding of the tissue specificity of energy metabolism in fish. It was established that the studied mycotoxin significantly reduces the concentration of ATP, ADP and AMP in white muscles. These results contribute to further understanding of the environmental impact of pesticides on aquatic organisms and their energy regulation.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions</strong>. The effect of mycotoxin T2 on the adenylate profile of carp tissues indicates its tissue specificity. Its use in feed leads to a significant decrease in the concentrations of macroergic compounds, especially in white muscles, which negatively affects the energy balance of cells. Under the mycotoxin introduced directly into the water of the aquariums, the stability of the level of ATP is observed in the liver and brain, which indicates the activation of energy metabolism. The obtained results confirm the need to control the content of mycotoxins in fish feed in agriculture in order to preserve the ecological balance of aquatic ecosystems.</p> Serhii Matiushko, Olha Mekhed Copyright (c) 2024 Сергій Матюшко, Ольга Мехед Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 ASSESSING THE LEVEL OF ANTHROPOGENIC PRESSURE ON PARK ECOSYSTEMS IN CHERNIHIV <p><strong>Objective</strong>: To evaluate the condition of park ecosystems in Chernihiv in relation to urbanization levels and air pollution from vehicular emissions.</p> <p><strong>Methodology</strong>: The study assessed the state of park ecosystems (PE) in various districts of Chernihiv, following the methodological guidelines by Lavrov et al. (2021). Species composition, the health of vegetation by layers, and the impact of anthropogenic pollution were examined in temporary sample plots (0.2–0.6 ha) established in mature park areas in 2023. The urbanization index was calculated using the Urbanisation Score software, which analyzes land use—such as asphalt, buildings, and green space intensity—using Google Maps imagery. Road traffic load and phytotoxic emissions near the PEs were estimated based on the methodology of Miroshnyk et al. (2022). Maps were generated with the GIS tools Golden Software Surfer 19.2.213, using the kriging method, and QGIS 3.16.3.</p> <p><strong>Scientific Novelty:</strong> This study provides the first environmental assessment of Chernihiv's green infrastructure a year after the intense warfare of spring 2022. The findings reveal that urbanization index values in Chernihiv range from 2.5 to -5, decreasing as one approaches the Dnipro River valley.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions</strong>: The study found that the regional landscape park ‘Yalivshchyna’ and the remaining forest area in the Podusivka neighborhood are significantly impacted by vehicular aerotoxicants. The central park, ‘City Garden’, and the municipal forest park, ‘Maryin Hai,’ situated within the river valley, display better sanitary conditions than those in the city's central areas. Urbanization levels decrease closer to the river valley. Additionally, the Ski Base forest area suffered notable damage to its green infrastructure due to warfare during the city's siege in February-April 2022.</p> Nataliia Miroshnyk, Olga Tertychna Copyright (c) 2024 Наталія Мірошник, Ольга Тертична Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 THE IMPORTANCE OF IRON IN THE DIET OF BLOOD DONORS AND ITS COMPONENTS <p><strong>Purpose:</strong> This review focuses on the importance of iron in the diet of blood donors, discussing the role of iron in the body, the impact of blood donation on iron levels, and recommendations for supplementation and diet to prevent deficiency. In the context of the increasing number of blood donors and their impact on health, this research is crucial to the development of effective nutritional strategies.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods.</strong> PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar databases were searched. Keyword combinations were used, including “iron supplementation”, “blood donors”, “iron deficiency”, “dietary iron”, “anaemia prevention” and “ferritin levels”. Literature published between 1970 and 2024 was searched. Studies published in peer-reviewed journals were included. All identified articles were initially assessed using titles and abstracts. Data from selected studies were extracted, including information on population characteristics, interventions, methods of assessing iron levels, outcomes and reported adverse effects. Key findings on the efficacy of iron supplementation, the effect of diet, and iron monitoring were discussed in the context of their relevance to blood donors.</p> <p><strong>Scientific novelty</strong>. This article presents a comprehensive approach to the role of iron in the diet of blood donors, combining the latest research with practical recommendations for diet and supplementation. It covers both biological and practical aspects, which is a novel approach to the subject. The article combines knowledge from different fields such as haematology, dietetics, biochemistry and preventive medicine to provide a comprehensive analysis of the issue. The integration of these disciplines leads to a better understanding of the impact of iron on the health of blood donors. The review is based on the most recent clinical trials and meta-analyses, ensuring that the data presented is current and reliable. Analysis of the most recent trials allows for more accurate and up-to-date recommendations regarding iron supplementation. The article introduces the concept of personalising dietary recommendations for blood donors, taking into account individual needs and metabolic differences. A personalised approach to diet and iron supplementation may increase the effectiveness of iron deficiency prevention. The article suggests new prevention strategies, such as blood donor support programmes that include regular monitoring of iron levels, education about diet and supplementation, and tailored dietary interventions. The review emphasises the need for long-term monitoring of the effects of iron supplementation, which is often lacking in short-term studies. A long-term approach makes it possible to assess the durability of the effects of supplementation and its impact on the health of blood donors.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions.</strong> Iron plays a fundamental role in maintaining the health of blood donors. It is essential for the production of haemoglobin, oxygen transport and many other metabolic functions. Regular blood donation causes significant iron loss, which can lead to iron deficiency and anaemia if not adequately replaced. To compensate for iron loss, blood donors should pay particular attention to their diet. Foods rich in haem iron, such as meat and fish, and non-haem iron, such as legumes and green leafy vegetables, should form the basis of their diet. In addition, taking vitamin C with meals can increase the absorption of non-haem iron. Regular iron supplementation is an effective way to prevent iron deficiency in blood donors. Clinical studies show that iron supplementation improves haemoglobin and ferritin levels and reduces the risk of anaemia. Supplementation should be individualised and donors should have their iron levels monitored regularly. Educating blood donors about the importance of iron and proper diet is essential. Support programmes that include regular monitoring of iron levels, provision of supplements and tailored dietary recommendations can significantly improve the health of donors and their ability to continue donating. Further research is needed to better determine optimal iron supplementation strategies and their long-term effects on donor health. Research should also focus on individual differences in iron metabolism and the development of personalised dietary recommendations.</p> Małgorzata Gradziuk, Halina Tkaczenko, Natalia Kurhaluk Copyright (c) 2024 Малгожата Градюк, Галина Ткаченко, Наталія Кургалюк Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 ENVIRONMENTAL ENRICHMENT AS A KEY ASPECT OF HUMAN WELL-BEING DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC <p>Environmental enrichment (EE) has long been established as an effective method of improving neuroplasticity and reducing behavioral problems in captive mammals. As the creation of an enriched environment includes the effects of social stimuli and novel objects, its translation to humans can be considered reasonable. In this article, the authors suggest that environmental enrichment should be considered as a promising strategy to combat the social isolation caused by the pandemic, providing a better opportunity for behavioral adaptation.</p> <p><strong>Р</strong><strong>urpose</strong>: The aim of this review is to explore the importance of environmental enrichment as a fundamental component of promoting human well-being in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this paper was to demonstrate the relationship between psychological distress, cognitive impairment and neuropsychological status in patients suffering from COVID-19 and COVID-related isolation, and to describe the benefits of the environmental enrichment approach and propose it as a potential solution to improve brain performance.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> Extensive searches were conducted in academic databases including PubMed, PsycINFO, Web of Science and Google Scholar. Keywords including 'environmental enrichment', 'nature exposure', 'physical activity', 'social interaction', 'cognitive stimulation', 'well-being', 'mental health', 'COVID-19 pandemic' and related terms were used. The search was limited to articles published in English and focused on human populations. Studies eligible for inclusion included empirical research, review articles, meta-analyses and theoretical papers relevant to environmental enrichment and human well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Relevant articles were screened using titles and abstracts to determine eligibility for full text review. Data were extracted from selected articles, including study objectives, methods, key findings and implications for human well-being. Studies were synthesized thematically to identify common themes, trends and gaps in the literature. The review aims to provide a comprehensive and rigorous synthesis of the literature on the role of environmental enrichment in promoting human well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic.</p> <p><strong>Scientific novelty:</strong> The review presents a new perspective by synthesizing the existing literature on environmental enrichment in the unique context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It explores how environmental factors such as exposure to nature, physical activity and social interactions can serve as critical resources for maintaining and enhancing human well-being in times of crisis. By specifically addressing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on human well-being, the review offers a novel examination of the challenges posed by pandemic-related restrictions, isolation and uncertainty. It highlights how environmental enrichment strategies can serve as adaptive coping mechanisms to mitigate the negative psychological and emotional effects of the pandemic. One of the key scientific novelties of the review is its interdisciplinary approach to understanding human well-being. It synthesizes findings from psychology, public health and environmental science to provide a comprehensive analysis of the role of environmental enrichment in promoting holistic well-being during the pandemic.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions.</strong> The review highlights the importance of environmental enrichment, which includes exposure to nature, physical activity, social interactions and cognitive stimulation, in promoting human well-being during the pandemic. Environmental enrichment strategies offer valuable resources for mitigating the negative psychological, emotional and social effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. By providing opportunities for stress reduction, mood enhancement and social support, these interventions contribute to resilience and adaptive coping mechanisms in times of crisis. Exposure to nature is emerging as a particularly powerful form of environmental enrichment, with therapeutic benefits for mental health, emotional well-being and overall quality of life. Encouraging physical activity and facilitating social interactions, albeit within the constraints of public health guidelines, play a critical role in maintaining human well-being during the pandemic. </p> Anastassia Rafalskaya, Halina Tkaczenko, Natalia Kurhaluk Copyright (c) 2024 Анастасія Рафальська, Галина Ткаченко, Наталія Кургалюк Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 DESMIDIALES (ZYGNEMATOPHYCEAE, STREPTOPHYTA) OF THE QUARRY POND ZAVODSKE – A HOTSPOT OF DESMIDS DIVERSITY IN CHERNIHIV POLESIE, UKRAINE <p><strong>Purpose</strong><strong>.</strong> Study of the composition of desmids in Zavodske quarry pond (Chernihiv Polesie, Ukraine), preparation of the taxonomical list. Microphotographs illustrating the cells of desmid algae found Ukrainian and their dimensional characteristics are intended to facilitate their identification and can be used for comparative analysis by both Ukrainian and foreign desmidiologists.</p> <p><strong>Methodology</strong>. As part of the PhD dissertation, several field research trips were conducted and algological samples were collected in Zavodske quarry pond (8,625 m<sup>2</sup>, depth 1.5-2 m), located near the village of Zavodske, Dobryana village community, Chernihiv district and region, Ukraine. From the middle to the end of the last century it was used for extraction of the clay for the needs of the local brick-making plant.</p> <p>The samples were examined alive as well as fixed with 4 % formalin for further storage and examination. Water chemical variables (pH and electrical conductivity) were determined by H&amp;M COM-100 and H&amp;M PH-200 portable multimeters. Microscopic examination of the samples was carried out using light microscopes Olympus BX-51 (samples 2018–2021) and Zeiss Imager A2 (samples 2021–2022).</p> <p>The main literature for the definition: Conjugates — <em>Conjugatophyceae</em>. Part 2. Desmids – <em>Desmidiales</em>. In: Identification manual of the freshwater algae of Ukrainian RSR. Palamar-Mordvintseva, 1986; Flora of algae in continental water bodies of Ukraine. Desmid algae. Part 2: <em>Desmidiaceae</em>. Palamar-Mordvintseva, 2005; Desmidiaceenflora von Österreich, Teil 3. Lenzenweger, 1999; Desmids of the Lowlands Mesotaeniaceae and Desmidaceae of the European Lowlands. Coesel &amp; Meesters, 2007.</p> <p><strong>Scientific</strong> <strong>novelty</strong>. This is the first study of the desmid species composition of Zavodske quarry pond. In total 110 taxa were identified, 16 of them recorded for the first time in Ukraine.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions</strong>. Zavodske quarry pond is a unique locality with numerous desmids. The number of identified taxa (110 taxa – 11.4 % of the desmidioflora of Ukraine) and part of the newly found in Ukraine (16 out of 110 taxa – 1.65 % of the desmidioflora of Ukraine) are extraordinary and deserves close attention and protection of their habitat.</p> Iryna Shyndanovina Copyright (c) 2024 Ірина Шиндановіна Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF AMBER-BASED MACERATE: METHODS OF ANALYSIS AND RESULTS <p><strong>Purpose of the work. </strong>To investigate the chemical composition of the amber-based complex-macerate (TM IL SAV AMBER) by qualitative and quantitative analysis. To carry out elemental analysis of organic and inorganic components, as well as the content of succinic acid and vitamins in order to identify the potential as a raw material for cosmetic and pharmaceutical production.</p> <p><strong>Methodology. </strong>The content of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur and oxygen in the organic part of the macerate complex was determined by conventional methods of quantitative analysis. The mass fraction of ash was determined by the mass loss during combustion of organic components in the air atmosphere at a temperature of 550°C. The elemental composition of the inorganic part was determined by the X-ray fluorescence method using an EXPERT 3L analyzer; vitamins and succinic acid were determined using a liquid chromatograph Hewlett-Packard HP 1100. The acid number and peroxide number of the complex-macerate was determined by the titrimetric method (titrant sodium hydroxide solution and thiosulfate solution, respectively); iodine number - by refractometry; mass fraction of moisture - by drying to constant weight (arbitration method). The obtained general indicators were compared with the corresponding indicators of fatty edible oils.</p> <p><strong>Scientific novelty. </strong>The composition (elemental and composition) of the amber-based complex-macerate is determined and the prospects of its use as a raw material for the production of new pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations are presented.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions. </strong>The results of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the determination of the basic composition of the amber-based macerate complex are consistent with the literature data on the composition of amber; the presence of such vitamins as A, E, K, F, PP, D and vitamins of B complex group and elemental composition indicate the prospects of using the complex in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.</p> Yuliya Voronina-Tuzovskykh, Oleksandr Mikulenko , Olena Bondar, Іryna Kurmakova, Oleksіj Pleshakov Copyright (c) 2024 Юлія Вороніна-Тузовських , Олександр Микуленко, Олена Бондар, Ірина Курмакова, Олексій Плєшаков Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 DEVELOPMENT OF SHOT TECHNOLOGY USING BY-PRODUCTS OF JUICE PRODUCTION <p>The paper considers the possibility of using extracts from wild berries for the production of tinctures that will be used in the recipe of shots. The relevance of expanding the range of drinks in bars and restaurants has been established. It has been proven that the use of by-products of juice production - juice extracts - will be profitable, since restaurants often order fresh juices, the production of which accumulates a significant number of by-products. In addition, squeezes are accumulated to a large extent at juice plants, which will reduce the risks of a shortage of raw materials.</p> <p>In the presented work, the ingredients for the production of shots are selected. Attention has been drawn to reducing the alcohol content in this drink and increasing its functionality.</p> <p>Cranberry and sea buckthorn extracts were used to prepare tinctures. Vodka was used as an extractant. The ratio of squeeze: vodka was 1: 5. Extraction was carried out at a temperature of 8...10 °C for 12...24 hours. After that, the tincture was stirred and filtered. The filtrate was used to prepare shots.</p> <p>In order to develop the formulation of the new shot, the quality indicators of the raw materials that will be used for its production were studied. It was established that tinctures made from cranberry and sea buckthorn extracts have 44.4 and 56.0 % lower strength compared to vodka. Along with the fact that orange juice and pineapple syrup, which do not contain alcohol at all, will be used for the production of shots, it can be argued that the goal of creating an alcoholic beverage for restaurants with a reduced alcohol content and increased functionality has been achieved.</p> <p>Shots are layered drinks. In order to obtain “layering”, one should clearly understand the density of the raw material that will be used. According to research data, pineapple syrup has the highest density, vodka the lowest.</p> <p>According to the data obtained in the work, a recipe and technological scheme for the production of shots using by-products of juice production was developed. The obtained drinks were characterized by high organoleptic indicators, had an attractive appearance and an original aroma.</p> <p><strong>The purpose of the article </strong>is to develop the technology of shots for the use of sea buckthorn and cranberry extracts.</p> <p><strong>Methodology</strong>. Physico-chemical and organoleptic research methods were used during the work. Processing of the results was carried out using «MC Excel databases».</p> <p><strong>The scientific novelty </strong>is that the complex processing of raw materials is proposed in order to increase the profitability of the production of drinks and give them functionality due to the use of sea buckthorn and cranberry extracts in the production of shots in restaurants.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> the expediency of using tinctures from extracts of wild berries, cranberries and sea buckthorn in the production of mixed drinks has been proven. Selected ingredients that allow you to get an original high-quality shot. The technology of obtaining shots for the use of tinctures from cranberry or sea buckthorn extracts has been developed. The organoleptic parameters of the obtained drinks were analyzed. Further research at work is formulated.</p> Nadiіa Lapytska, Anastasiia Biloborodko Copyright (c) 2024 Надія Лапицька, Анастасія Білобородько Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 PHYTOTOXICITY OF DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE IN THE GROWTH TEST <p>Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is widely used as an industrial solvent and for a variety of medical purposes. Reports of the toxicity of DMSO to living organisms vary. The plants <em>Lepidium sativum</em> L. and <em>Raphanus raphanistrum</em> subsp. <em>sativus</em> (L.) Domin. are widely used in the biotesting of toxicants. Currently, there is no information on the phytotoxicity of aqueous solutions of DMSO for these test plants, which determined <strong>the aim</strong> of this study.</p> <p><strong>Methodology.</strong> Phytotoxicity of aqueous DMSO solutions was assessed using a growth test. The following plants were used as test plants: 1) seed radish (<em>R. raphanistrum </em>subsp. <em>sativus</em>) of the French breakfast variety, 10 seeds of which were placed in a Petri dish on filter paper moistened with distilled water (control) or 0.5 %, 1.0 %, 5.0 %, 10.0 %, 25.0 % or 45.0 % aqueous solution of DMSO (experiment); 2) watercress (<em>L. sativum</em>) of the Aphrodite variety, 10 seeds of which were placed in a Petri dish on filter paper moistened with distilled water (control) or a 0.025 %, 0.05 % or 0.1 % aqueous solution DMSO (experiment). The research was carried out in triplicate for 6 days (radish) and 5 days (watercress), during which the energy of seed germination of test plants (%) was determined on the 3rd day, on the 6th day (radish) and on the 5th day (watercress) – seed germination (%) and biometric and morphometric indicators of test plant seedlings (root and aerial part length, mm).</p> <p><strong>Scientific novelty.</strong> In a growth test with <em>R. raphanistrum</em> subsp. <em>sativus</em> showed extreme phytotoxicity for 5.0-45.0 % aqueous DMSO solutions and no phytotoxicity for 0.025-1.0 % aqueous DMSO solutions in a growth test with <em>L. sativum </em>and <em>R. raphanistrum</em> subsp. <em>sativus</em>.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions.</strong> Aqueous solutions of DMSO in concentrations of 0.025-1.0 % did not show phytotoxic properties according to the growth test with <em>L. sativum </em>and <em>R. raphanistrum</em> subsp. <em>sativus</em>, in contrast to 5.0-45.0 % solutions, which showed extreme phytotoxicity according to the growth test with <em>R. raphanistrum</em> subsp. <em>sativus.</em> The obtained results indicate that this substance will not inhibit plant growth at concentrations found in wastewater (0.05-0.08 %).</p> Nataliia Tkachuk, Liubov Zelena, Yaroslav Novikov, Veronika Taranenko Copyright (c) 2024 Наталія Ткачук, Любов Зелена, Ярослав Новіков, Вероніка Тараненко Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 MUTAGENIC INFLUENCE OF NANOPARTICLES OF NICKEL, SILICON, TITANIUM ON ONTOGENESIS DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER <p><strong>Objective.</strong> Research of the mutagenic effect of various concentrations of nanoparticles of titanium, nickel and silicon on the ontogenesis of <em>Drosophila</em> <em>melanogaster</em> (<em>D</em><em>. </em><em>melanogaster</em>) <em>Canton S</em> and <em>Ebony</em> lines.</p> <p><strong>Methodology.</strong> The study was conducted by preparing a nutrient medium for <em>D. melanogaster</em> with the addition of nanoparticles of titanium, silicon, and nickel; crossing in this environment an experimental sample of insects of the pure lines <em>Ebony </em>and <em>Canton S</em>, and further accounting for phenotype changes in individuals of the first and second generations. Preparation of nutrient medium was carried out according to the method of Yaschenko et al (2023). Methods of descriptive statistics, non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test, methods of graphic visualization of data were used to process quantitative data of accounting for phenotypic manifestations of mutations.</p> <p><strong>Scientific novelty.</strong> For the first time, the mutagenic activity of nanoparticles of titanium, nickel, and silicon in concentrations of 0.1 mg/cm<sup>3</sup> and 0.01 mg/cm<sup>3</sup> was characterized on the example of induced mutations in an experimental sample of <em>D. melanogaster</em> pure lines <em>Canton S</em> and <em>Ebony</em>, and their descendants of the first and second generations.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions.</strong> It was found that titanium nanoparticles lead to mutations both at a concentration of 0.1 mg/cm<sup>3</sup> (14.8 % of mutant individuals in the first generation and 19.8 % in the second generation) and at a concentration of 0.01 mg/cm<sup>3</sup> (4.3 % in the first generation and 3.7 % in the second). At the same time, silicon and nickel nanoparticles demonstrate mutagenic activity only at higher concentrations (0.1 mg/cm<sup>3</sup>). No phenotypic signs of mutations were detected among the experimental individuals that developed in an environment with concentrations of 0.01 mg/cm<sup>3</sup> of nickel and silicon nanoparticles. Certain differences in mutagenesis in the samples of individuals of the <em>Ebony</em> and <em>Canton S</em> lines, which are related to the influence of the studied substances on cellular repair systems of <em>D. melanogaster</em>, were also analyzed. Based on the results of the research, the practical impracticability of using titanium nanoparticles for pharmacological purposes was substantiated, as well as the need for further thorough research into the possibility of medical and pharmacological use of silicon and nickel nanoparticles.</p> Dariia Liubchykova , Pavlo Nahornyi, Valentyn Dedovych, Yurii Diatlov, Olexandr Tretiak Copyright (c) 2024 Дарія Любчикова, Павло Нагорний, Валентин Дедович, Юрій Дятлов, Олександр Третяк Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200 CHANGES IN THE MORPHOLOGICAL INDICATORS OF CARP UNDER THE ACTION OF MYCOTOXIN T2 <p>Mycotoxins, toxic substances produced by fungi, are one of the most common contaminants of feed and food products in Ukraine. Favorable climatic conditions and anthropogenic influence contribute to their active development and spread. Contamination with mycotoxins can lead to significant economic losses in the agro-industrial complex and negatively affect the health of animals and people. A complete list and detailed description of poisoning symptoms can be used as indicators to identify poisons as well as non-infectious fish diseases.</p> <p><strong>The purpose</strong> of the work: to investigate the effect of mycotoxin T2 on the morphological parameters of the carp organism. The object of the study: peculiarities of changes in the morphological indicators of fish under the influence of mycotoxin T2. The subject of the study: the effect of mycotoxin T2 on external indicators of organs and tissues of carp.</p> <p><strong>Methodology.</strong> The object of the study were two-year-old carp: scaly and mirror carp (<em>Cyprinus carpio</em> L.) weighing 200-300 g. Experiments to study the effect of mycotoxin were carried out in 200-liter aquariums with settled tap water, in which fish were placed at the rate of 1 specimen per 40 dm<sup>3</sup> of water. In all cases, control was carried out and a constant hydrochemical regime of water was maintained. The concentration of mycotoxin corresponding to 2 MPC was achieved by adding calculated amounts of the mycotoxin solution. The zoological (L) and industrial (l) lengths of fish were determined, Fulton's fattening factor (Q). All results were processed statistically.</p> <p><strong>The scientific novelty</strong> of the work is that the complex effect of mycotoxin T2 and the morphological indicators of mirror carp and scaly carp were studied for the first time.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions.</strong> As a result of the study, a negative effect of mycotoxin T-2 on the morphological parameters of the carp organism was established. Under the influence of T-2 toxin, significant changes in the structure of gills, skin, fins and internal organs were observed in fish. Discoloration of the ends of the petals, the appearance of light spots and numerous hemorrhages were found in the gills, which indicates a violation of oxygen exchange. On the skin of the fish, the formation of whitish mucus was recorded, as well as separate ulcers, which are a sign of dermonecrotic processes. It was also established that mycotoxin T-2 causes disorders of a hemorrhagic nature, manifested in numerous hemorrhages in muscle tissues and organs of the digestive system. A comparative analysis of the effects of the toxin on scaly and mirror carp showed that scaly carp had higher endurance, which may be due to its better growth rates and resistance to adverse conditions. Thus, mycotoxin T-2 poses a significant threat to fish health and can negatively affect aquaculture performance. This study highlights the need to control feed quality and mycotoxin content to prevent intoxication in fish farming.</p> Lidiia Polotnianko, Olha Mekhed Copyright (c) 2024 Лідія Полотнянко, Ольга Мехед Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0200